
Call for submissions for the WLA Awards at WLS 2024

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As the World Lottery Summit (WLS) in Paris approaches, it is time to think about the WLA Awards, which happen at our biennial event.

Our awards acknowledge the incredible and hard work of our members. They promote best practices in advertising and responsible gaming in our industry, while providing members the opportunity to showcase their creativity and the materials they have produced since the last WLS.

We look forward to receiving submissions. For all details including: deadlines, categories, eligibility, submission procedure and guidelines, judging criteria, and payment, visit: WLA Advertising Awards and WLA Responsible Gaming Awards

WLA Advertising Award Categories

The deadline for submissions for the Advertising Awards is 19 August, 2024.

  • Category 1 – Best Product Advertising broadcast on TV/cinema (numbers games, sports betting and instant games)
  • Category 2 – Best New Media Advertising (ads created for distribution via Internet, social media, e-mail, mobile phones etc.)
  • Category 3 – Best Corporate Advertising – TV/cinema ads that profile the organization
  • Category 4 – Best Responsible Gaming Advertising - Advertisements that best convey a message of responsible or low-risk gambling or raise awareness of problem gambling or treatment resources.

WLA Grand Global Advertising Award

The winners of each category of the WLA Advertising Awards are entered into our Grand Global Advertising Award, which will be presented during the WLS 2024 Closing Dinner.

WLA Responsible Gaming Awards

The deadline for submissions for the Responsible Gaming Awards is 9 September, 2024.

Our RG Awards recognize the very important work done by our members, through WLA RG Certification, to ensure that they deliver responsible products and services.

Our RG awards acknowledge the best flagship for Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 certification, which demonstrate best practices and innovation in the design of their Responsible Gaming program for each level.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and wish all entrants the best of luck!


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