
WLA releases first digital data Compendium at Paris Summit

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The 2024 WLA Global Lottery Data Compendium has been published in an entirely digital format for the first time, and released during the World Lottery Summit (WLS) taking place from 21–24 October, in Paris.

Available at the WLA booth, via QR code, the 11th edition covers 93.7% of the WLA regular membership, and is complemented by profiles of more than 140 individual lottery and sports betting members for FY 23/22 on the WLA website.

Benefits of the new digital format

The 11th edition is similar in scope and format to the previous year and retains the redesigned contemporary look of the 10th anniversary edition. Easier to access and use, it provides a host of new key features, including:

  • Interactive charts and graphs
  • Wikipedia-style referencing and cross-referencing
  • Multi-language support (English, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish)
  • Web accessibility support.

The move to digital brings with it a number of additional advantages, including the potential to progressively update content in real time in response to the latest industry developments.

For those who wish to read a traditional hard copy, there is the possibility to generate a facsimile edition as a PDF.

Key findings

The 2024 GLDC showcases sales of USD 425.8 billion in FY 2023 across the global regulated lottery and sports betting ecosystem, with contributions to the public good breaking the USD 100 billion barrier for the first time at USD 106.9 billion. The key performance metrics of sales, GGR, and money to good causes all increased by around 11% year on year, with the WLA member lottery and sports betting operators in China acting as the driving engines of global growth.

Discover the 11th edition of the GLDC for yourself at this link. (Registration required)


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