A Swiss perspective

Handcuffs and a soccer ball on banknotes in various currencies

Emiliano Heissel, Compliance Specialist and Dr Lea Meyer, Head of Legal and Compliance at Loterie Romande, provide an update of Swiss national regulations, and the key AML measures currently in place at the lottery. It aims to inform rather than prescribe guidelines for other countries.

It is not enough for WLA member lottery and sports betting operators to be innovative and competitive. They are obliged to offer their games in regulatory environments that constantly call for the balancing of commercial, legal and social objectives.

Since the entry into force of the Federal Gambling Act on 1 January 2019, lottery and sports betting operators in Switzerland have had to consider the obligations with regard to Anti-Money Laundering (AML). This report summarises the experience of the Loterie Romande over the last five years, since this new legal obligation came into force.

This document will refer to lottery and sports betting operators or simply to operators. These terms are used synonymously to simplify the reading of the text.

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