Research news: Multi-channel players


Just as consumer trends change, so do research topics and methodologies. With its longstanding focus on understanding the evolving needs of players, potential players, and retailers, IGT has continued to adapt its research approach, matching the research goals of the company and its customers to the best newly available methodologies.

For instance, in order to capture immediate impressions and reactions through the players’ lens, IGT’s Global Marketing Insights team has increased the use of vox pops (voice of the people) and mobile video testimonials. It has moved to fewer in-person focus groups and conducts more of them online, facilitating a wider geographical reach and pool of potential respondents.

The team now incorporates AI techniques for survey development and to analyze and aggregate open-ended verbatims into meaningful insights. And it has adopted an agile research platform, which harnesses a proprietary panel of 6 million+ U.S. adults (lottery players and potential players) who are willing to respond to a survey within 24 hours of receipt. Powered by one of IGT’s research partners, YouGov, and operated by IGT researchers, the YouGov Self-Serve platform offers the means to customize and conduct a variety of primary research types cost-effectively and in a very short time frame.

“We’re thinking differently, adding new tools to our kit, and revolutionizing how we approach research to yield deeper and uniquely rich insights,” observed Gerard Caro, IGT Senior Director Global Marketing Insights.

2024 Global Study

Amid a full state of new research conducted on behalf of the company and its customers in 2024, IGT has partnered with Russell Research to invest in a global thought leadership study, the largest study the two organizations have fielded together to date.

The study was conducted via online surveys – from February 21 and April 15 in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Spain, and the U.S. The goals of the research included capturing and conveying to the industry a more detailed understanding of multi-channel players.

Surveying a general population of adult consumers, not morally opposed to playing lottery, in each of the seven targeted countries, the quantitative phase of the research explored areas including general lottery playership behaviors, especially as they relate to the differences between retail-only lottery purchasers and digital/multi-channel lottery purchasers. Among other applications, the insights can help to inform lotteries’ strategies for player acquisition and retention.

More than 7,000 surveys were collected (between 1,003 and 1,015 in each of the seven countries), encompassing three Lottery Player Segments: current/past-year lottery players; lapsed lottery players; and those who have never played draw-based lottery games or instant lottery games, but would be likely to consider playing lottery games in the future.

Watch for the initial findings to be shared by IGT in the coming months.


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