Polish national lottery operator Totalizator Sportowy achieved more than one notable first in 2023. Not only was it the first European lottery to launch an end-to-end iLottery program on the Cloud, it also pioneered retail Fast Play games in the EU, collaborating closely with longtime supplier-partner IGT on both programs.
Here is a closer look at the Fast Play launch, which exceeded sales expectations and offers a model for potential adoption by other lotteries.
Innovative lotteries everywhere are looking for exciting new ideas and products, and Totalizator Sportowy (TS) is no exception. With its network of over 26,000 points of lottery sales, a rich portfolio including instants, draw-based games, one multi-jurisdictional game, monitor games, and an extensive iLottery program, the Lottery challenged itself to offer something fresh and attention-getting that would also interest new player groups ─ supporting the Lottery’s mission to sustainably grow returns to benefit sport and culture in Poland.
While Fast Play is new to the EU market, the category has seen steady growth in the U.S. for more than a decade. These terminal-generated games span a range of mechanics similar to scratch tickets ─ from extended-play styles, such as Crossword, to quick-win games such as key-number match. And, like scratch tickets, Fast Play wins are immediately redeemable by the player. But Fast Play games differ from their instants counterparts in some fundamental ways: They are less visible at retail, as they reside in the retail lottery terminal until they are purchased and printed; many of the top prizes are jackpot-based; and playing them doesn’t require the removal of a scratch coating.

“The Fast Play category was the natural choice to complete a product-type gap in the Totalizator Sportowy portfolio,” said Katarzyna Woźnica-Borkowska, Totalizator Sportowy Instants Product Team Manager, who led the Fast Play roll-out. “Polish players love instant-win products, and this new category brings a different flavor to the offer.”
Following extensive analysis, TS chose to introduce six games simultaneously on June 1, 2023, offering three price points and a selection of different themes and play styles to Poland’s population of almost 38 million people. By mid-September, the program had already exceeded expected annual sales by 31%.
“It was an exciting adventure to pioneer successfully,” said Woźnica-Borkowska.
“Although we believed in this product type, we prepared ourselves carefully for the launch. We conducted research among potential players and retailers before presenting a set of chosen game-candidates for the launch. Insights gathered from U.S. markets, in collaboration with IGT’s Fast Play group, helped with the strategy and tactics. We also tested our brand name ideas, and Ekspres Losy (Express/Fast Tickets) was the one research participants liked the most.”
Player Response
In Poland, Fast Play games are registered under the instants games category, in accordance with the Polish Gambling Act’s directives for this type of game and prize structure. In comparison to TS’s instant games at comparable price points, Ekspres Losy games have more yet smaller top prizes and numerous mid-tier prizes that occur more often ─ a feature that players have responded to very positively.
“It was a very strong launch,” noted Aleksandra Koprowska, IGT Marketing Manager, who works closely with the TS team.
“Players immediately understood the nature of Ekspres Losy and embraced the games and prize structure, as attested to by the sales results. Many players were buying the whole set of games at once – not just trying one here or there, but trying them all.”
Players expressed their enthusiasm for the new Ekspres Losy games in their own words: “Easy…and fun. I like things like that. Complicated games are not for me.” “A lot of different prizes, this is very important. When people win, people play.” “A lot of prize ranges, this is a great experience.”
Ekspres Losy games earned 7% of the total share of sales of gaming products offered by Totalizator Sportowy two weeks after launch. It’s clear that Ekspres Losy games had already established their loyal and regular players: After the expected post-launch dip, sales trends are once again increasing.
Importantly, lottery retailers also received the new Ekspres Losy games enthusiastically, as they require less work for clerks to sell than jackpot or instant games.
Supplier Support
The first six Ekspres Losy games were chosen and adapted from IGT’s Fast Play portfolio. In addition to sharing advice, benchmarks, and learnings from 10 jurisdictions in the U.S. market, IGT’s Fast Play team worked with TS to develop the games. A team at IGT’s instants printing headquarters in Lakeland, Florida, customized the artwork, currency, and language for TS players. “We can be flexible and create a Fast Play product that’s tailored to whatever the jurisdiction needs,” said Joe Charest, IGT Senior Manager, Game Development & Portfolio Management.
IGT had conducted a player study on Fast Play and shared the high-level findings with the industry in 2022, with the goal of marrying the findings and industry KPIs to formulate a recommended Fast Play portfolio strategy for customers. “With a better understanding of consumers’ motivations for play, we can continue to support customers like TS, which offer or are considering the category,” said Charest.

Fine Points of Execution
- At launch in June 2023, six individual games were offered:
- SZYBKA KASA (Fast Cash)
- GORĄCA KASA (Hot Cash)
- KRZYŻÓWKA EXPRESS (Express Crossword)
- VEGAS 777
- SŁÓWKA (Words)
A 7th game, FAST BALL, was added in August, and a new 10-złoty game, EKSTRA PIENIĄDZE (Extra Money) launched at the end of November, 2023.
- Range of Ekspres Losy price points at launch: two 2-złoty games, three 5-złoty and one 10-złoty
- TS supported the launch with an advertising campaign emphasizing the games’ attractive prizes and very good odds of winning as ─ on average ─ one out of four tickets is a winner.
- Naming is Important: The name Ekspres Losy (Express/Fast Tickets) enables players in Poland to immediately understand the nature of the games.
- Player Awareness: Because the games exist in the terminal until printed, it’s important to make players aware of their availability. In Poland, lottery retailers are printing sample tickets and displaying them prominently at the point of sale, prompting interested players to inquire. In the U.S., some lotteries use jackpot signage and other POS materials to promote Fast Play games.
- Because many players were interested in the option of buying the full set of games at once, a special button to purchase the full set of Fast Play games was programmed on the lottery terminal application. This further simplifies the sales process for retailers as well.
- Ekspres Losy tickets are used as prizes in numerous TS promotions, which players appreciate.
- TS developed and executed retailer training on the Fast Play games: Members of the Lottery’s Instant Team prepared informational material and conducted a set of training sessions with the Sales Reps. Leaflets for the retailers were focused on prizes and their quantity, odds, and other key aspects of the games. Point-of-sale materials were mostly focusing on selling tips for the retailers. Sales reports are also available on the terminal, so that the retailers and players are always up to date with the information on prizes available for the individual games.

Looking Ahead
Totalizator Sportowy is optimistic about the future of Ekspres Losy. The Lottery has developed another 5-złoty game that was launched February 13th, with great success.
TS plans to conduct more of its own player research and analysis next year as it continues to develop the category and optimize its portfolio.
Currently, Fast Play games are sold only in the traditional retail network.
Asked what guidance she would give to other European lotteries contemplating a Fast Play launch, Woźnica-Borkowska notes the importance of “understanding your market and your players’ expectations. Try to properly balance the portfolio. First gather all the know-how, then prepare the product by taking into consideration your local market’s characteristics and preferences, cooperate closely with the development team, and build a consistent product strategy.”
IGT’s Aleksandra Koprowska noted, “With its Fast Play games, Totalizator Sportowy has executed leading practices in such a successful way that others could easily learn from and adopt them.”
To view all TS games, visit https://www.lotto.pl/ekspres-losy

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