RG certification platform

The WLA is committed to supporting its members on their responsible gaming (RG) journey to ensure that they raise money for good causes, in order to have a positive impact on society. In practice, this means helping all WLA members achieve RG certification. This in turn helps members continually improve their practices.

To this end, the WLA has partnered with DigitalRG.com, an innovative platform, which is dedicated to promoting sustainability and responsible gaming within the lottery industry.

As of January 2024, all WLA members applying for RG certification must now use the DigitalRG platform, where they will be assessed by the Independent Assessment Panel.

The online platform ensures that WLA members can submit applications for all levels of WLA-RGF certification in a simplified manner online. The entire application and assessment process happens in one place – on the DigitalRG platform – making it quick and easy to apply, as well as track the application’s progress.

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