How WLA helps its members manage risk

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The World Lottery Association (WLA) is committed to the development of risk management resources to support members.

This effort commenced in 2020 with the conduct of a survey of members to understand risk perception and priorities.  Following the analysis of survey results a Lottery Risk Register was developed to provide the WLA community with comprehensive documentation for establishing, implementing, or monitoring risk management processes.

A second survey was conducted in 2023.  This survey targeted risk management specialists. Survey insights have assisted the WLA to better understand risk management maturity across the membership base, to refresh the Lottery Risk Register and to better target risk management support offerings for members. Find out more about the survey results.

The Lotteries Risk Register

The Register was updated in 2023 to reflect survey feedback and emerging industry risks.  The Register is a living document and remains under review.  Login to the members’ area of the WLA website to access enterprise risk management content.

Risk profiles

Effort has now commenced to develop profiles for key risk categories.  Each profile describes a risk, details what is driving the risk, and offers risk mitigation strategies.  A risk rating has been applied to each risk using an assessment of the likelihood of the risk occurring and the consequence of its impact.  

The first tranche of risk profiles address cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, illegal gaming, talent, licences and contracts, and disaster risks.  A summary of these risks and a rating heat map appears below.  

By way of example, the cybersecurity risk profile appears below.

The profiles are intended as examples only.  It is acknowledged that key risks and their impacts will vary between members based on local circumstances.  Providing this detail is intended to prompt risk management conversations within member organisations.

All risk profiles and the supporting risk rating tools can be accessed here.

What’s next?

The WLA Taskforce supporting enterprise risk management effort will include:

  • Continuing to review and update the risk register for emerging risks.
  • Developing additional risk profiles.
  • Collaborating with regional associations to recognise any localised risks and support the building of risk management expertise.
  • Incorporating risk management content in WLA and Security & Risk Management events.

How can members get involved

Members are encouraged to utilise the resources currently available via the WLA website and keep an eye out for website updates and other collaboration opportunities.  

Should you have ideas to share or feedback on work completed or planned, please contact WLA - Security at:


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