Application submission process

  1. Read the requirements of each certificationlevel on the WLA website:
  2. Get access to the digitalrg.complatform for your submission, by going to and selecting thelevel you would like to apply for. There are two deadlines, May 1st and October1st.
  3. Entries will be screened forcompleteness and to ensure they fulfil the content requirements for the RGcertification level. If the requirements have been met, the submission will bepresented to the IAP for qualitative review and evaluation of the lottery’s RGprogram.
  4. The IAP will complete itsevaluation within 6 weeks and issue an evaluation report pointing out the strengthsand improvement opportunities (the IAP will contact the lottery if furtherinformation is required). The IAP will make a recommendation to the WLA as towhether the submitting lottery meets the RGF criteria. This is sent along withthe evaluation report to the WLA and the submitting lottery.
  5. The lottery has 15 working daysto review the IAP evaluation report. If any clarifications are required, thelottery should contact the WLA Montreal office.
  6. If no questions are received within 15 workingdays, certification will automatically be issued by the WLA in accordance withthe IAP recommendation.

NB* Certification for all four levels isvalid for three years from the date it is issued by the WLA office.

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