
The recertification process is not automatic. Lotteries must reapply every three years and demonstrate, with evidence, that their RG programs maintain the standards for their current level of certification.

The recertification submission date for a lottery whose certification period is coming to an end will be the submission date that immediately follows the end of the initial 3-year period, and not the one that precedes it.

Example: Initial Level 2 certification period December 2024 to December 2027; recertification submission date: May 2028.

If your lottery decides to move forward to a higher certification level, it should prepare a complete application based on the criteria for that level. For lotteries resubmitting at the same level, the application should:

  • Outline programs for each of the 10 RG program elements, including the status report on these for the initial application.
  • Provide complete information and evidence on what has been done in the three years since certification.
  • Describe how it dealt with the IAP’s previous comments.
  • Include the initial application and IAP report with the new application. A lottery can be recertified at Level 2, 3 and 4 even if its RG program has not progressed, as long as the new application meets the criteria.

NB* Please note certification submission guidelines are updated from time to time. It is advisable to check the latest guides before submitting your application.  

EL/WLA Members

Lotteries that have been certified for the EL Responsible Gaming Standard may apply directly for the WLA RGF Level 4. These member lotteries will be required to submit a copy of their EL certification. They can also submit their external independent assessor report for the IPA to review and provide constructive suggestions for continuous improvement.

The WLA RGF allows European lotteries that are not yet ready to apply for certification to the EL RG Standard to submit for WLA Levels 2 and 3. It supports European lotteries preparing for the EL RG Standard, as well as for the higher Level 4 of the WLA RGF.

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