WLA continues to enhance the support it provides members to assist them in delivering responsible gaming environments for their players. Starting in 2024, WLA required all its members undertaking RG certification to use DigitalRG.com, a platform which streamlines and simplifies the RG certification process and enables lottery certification submissions and their assessment by the independent panel in one place.
Our financial support also includes the cost of the annual license for members completing level 3 and 4 RG certification, and payment of a perpetual license for the Independent Assessment Panel to use the platform to evaluate submissions.
On the island of Mauritius, WLA member Lottotech Ltd. works hard to increase the positive impact it has on the communities it supports by advancing its responsible gaming (RG) efforts, through varied activities together with diverse stakeholders.
It was the first lottery in the African region to obtain all levels (2-4) of WLA RG certification, and continues to maintain level 4 certification.
We caught up with Virginie Pasnin, Brand Manager Loto/Communication and CSR Manager at Lottotech Ltd, to find out how the WLA responsible gaming certification process has evolved since using the DigitalRG platform.
How does using the DigitalRG platform compare with the former process?
Lottotech first completed WLA Responsible Gaming (RG) certification to level 4 in 2019, which it renewed in 2022. It has gone through the different stages of the process with DigitalRG, since completing level 3 certification.
The DigitalRG platform has facilitated the certification process tremendously. It also provides an array of tools that allow us to track our performance. The platform is evolutive and constantly adapts itself to provide a better user experience.
What did you like about the platform?
There were many aspects that we liked about the platform, but in summary, the DigitalRG platform and assistance provided has solved our challenges with their effective, user-friendly tools that saved us time and enabled us to share information on best practices.
What help did you receive?
DigitalRG provided the platform and tools that allowed us to do trainings, and tests needed for certification, but it has also given us useful insights to assist in addressing our sustainability impact, that goes beyond responsible gaming.
We received useful assistance and guidance to improve our impact, which has helped us to better understand what items are more significant for our business. This aspect of certification considers both the impact a company has on society and its surroundings, and the impact the environment may have on a company.
We were also given access to best practices and offered different insights, which aimed to inspire us. This helped push us to broaden our thinking and better take into account all of our different stakeholders and their needs.
Have any new projects come out of this process?
As a result, our RG lead, Yovana Parsooramen, came up with an idea for Repurposing: Giving Lottery Tickets a Second life through upcycling.
In 2023, we launched an innovative four-month pilot project. The aim was to convert lottery paper waste, such as old betting slips and tickets, into planted biodegradable pencils.

We engaged with eight retailers to place recycling bins in their retail shops and one at our headquarters. Once the bins were full, our colleagues in the field brought the collected paper to our headquarters at Ebene. Then we worked with a local SME – Morivert Ltd, to manufacture the pencils. But this is not a simple pencil, it is made of recycled lottery paper and at the tip of the pencil there are some seeds which can be planted once the pencil reaches the end of its life cycle.
Another excellent result is that these pencils will be distributed to non-governmental organizations in the education sector, and to underprivileged families who do not have the means to buy stationery for their children.
This innovative project has allowed us to help reduce the CO2 levels in the atmosphere, assist children by providing them materials for their education, empower a local SME, and reduce our waste.
During the four-month pilot project, 755kg of paper was collected, 740 kg recycled and 15kg upcycled. Of the 15kg upcycled, a total of 1,090 pencils were produced.
This project also considers four of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), including: SDG 4 – Quality Education, SDG 13 – Climate Action, SDG 12 – Responsible consumption & production, and SDG 17 – the partnership for a goal. Since the pilot project was fruitful, we shall do it on a larger scale within our network of retailers.
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